Thermal Analysis Instruments for Kinetics

Kinetic Measurement Instruments

Reaction and Decomposition Kinetics with Thermal Analysis

Thermal analysis is a useful set of techniques for determining the kinetics of certain material processes. Simulate and predict the behavior of chemical reactions, material decomposition, processing conditions for safety analysis, or isothermal crystallization.

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Podle Mezinárodní konfederace termické analýzy a kalorimetrie (ICTAC) je termická analýza skupina postupů, při kterých se měří určitá fyzikální vlastnost látky v závislosti na teplotě, zatímco je látka vystavena řízenému teplotnímu programu.

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How is differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) used to determine the kinetics of a chemical reaction?

The reaction kinetics can be analyzed using various mathematical models to determine the activation energy, reaction rate constant, and other kinetic parameters. This information can be used to optimize reaction conditions, predict reaction outcomes, and design processes.

What instrument should I use to determine decomposition kinetics?

Either a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) or thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) should be used. However, if decomposition takes place above 700 °C, then a TGA must be used.

How are thermal analysis kinetic results evaluated?

We have 3 different mathematical models for determining kinetics. One can use any of the following methods: nth order kinetics, model free kinetics (MFK), or advanced model free kinetics (AMFK).

How can I determine isothermal crystallization kinetics?

It is possible to test and predict the kinetics of isothermal crystallization with the Flash DSC.