Datasheet: nth Order Kinetics

Model-Based Reaction Predictions

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Model-Based Reaction Predictions

Datasheet: nth Order Kinetics
Datasheet: nth Order Kinetics

Kinetic models are suitable for the analysis and simulation of chemical reactions. The software option calculates kinetic parameters based on one or more DSC or TGA measurements with different heating rates. This information is used to predict reaction behavior in terms of percent conversion, time, and temperature.

This option includes the following evaluations:

  • nth order kinetics (1 dynamic measurement) for simple chemical reactions
  • ASTM E698 Kinetics (> 2 dynamic DSC measurements)
  • ASTM E1641 Kinetics (> 3 dynamic TGA measurements)
  • Isothermal nth order kinetics (one or more isothermal measurements) for simple chemical reactions
  • Applied kinetics (simulation, conversion plot and iso-conversion plot, each with table)


Features and Benefits

  • nth order and ASTM standard-based kinetics – analyze and simulate chemical reactions to predict reaction behavior under different conditions


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