Inline Checkweighers

Inline Checkweighers

In line checkweighing systems that provide exceptional weighing accuracy at rapid speeds

Inline checkweighers weigh products in the production line at high speeds, automatically identifying and rejecting products that are out of specification. We manufacture inline checkweighing systems for use in the production of meat, poultry, seafood, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, ready meals, baby food, and more. Increase manufacturing productivity and quality control efficiency with our range of inline checkweighers.

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How fast do inline checkweighers weigh products?

Inline checkweighing at high speeds video

Inline checkweighers are designed to weigh products on moving conveyors at extremely high speeds to avoid slowing down production.

METTLER TOLEDO is a manufacturer of checkweighers built with FlashCell™ EMFR load cell technology and can support speeds of up to 800 products per minute (ppm). 

What types of packages or products can be weighed on an inline checkweigher?

METTLER TOLEDO inline checkweighers offer an exceptionally large choice of product handling and sorting options that enable the smooth and accurate weight control for virtually any product type or shape.

Inline checkweighers are used in many industries for quality and weight control procedures, such as:

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