顆粒與液滴在化學品、日用品、製漿與造紙、及石油工業到處可見。顆粒的增長、絮團、破碎、溶解、與變形都可能影響到工藝過程的結果和產品的品質。要想成 功,科學家和工程師們必須要理解和優化顆粒度分佈從而控制工藝過程效率,如其穩定性、可分離性、或流動性。另外,要確保可重複的產品產率、存放有效期、及 堆積密度,必須要良好地控制顆粒和乳液的大小分佈。
基於通過20 多年的實踐經驗和世界各地數千套的安裝使用所得到的技術強化,聚焦光束反射測量儀 (FBRM) 和顆粒錄影顯微鏡 (PVM)能使科學家與工程師們使用即時顆粒與液滴粒徑分佈測量從而作出更有依據、更及時的決策。
通 過 FBRM和PVM 技術掌握到的顆粒性能知識可以使研發時間縮短數月,產量最大化,以及產品品質最優化。FBRM和PVM 技術的應用確保獲得符合要求的粒徑分佈、設計出高重現性的製程、最大程度地縮短下游製程週期、避免在中試及生產中造成失敗。
Flow assurance involves cost-effective approaches to produce and transport fluids from the reservoir to a processing facility. Flow assurance challenges are further mounting due to the transition from conventional oil reserves to mature oil fields.
The handling and processing of suspensions and emulsions is critical. Multiphase systems tend to be complex with many parameters, including overall process efficiency and economic profitability, being directly affected by the ability to consistently deal with the production, separation, and/or removal of solid particles and liquid droplets in suspension.
The handling and processing of suspensions and emulsions is critical. Multiphase systems tend to be complex with many parameters, including overall process efficiency and economic profitability, being directly affected by the ability to consistently deal with the production, separation, and/or removal of solid particles and liquid droplets in suspension.