Water Content in Ketones and Aldehydes by Karl Fischer Titration

Error-Free Results with Ketone-Specific Reagent at Ambient and Sub-Ambient Temperatures

This application note provides a solution to precisely determine the water content of ketones and aldehydes at ambient and sub-ambient temperatures using HYDRANAL™ Composite 5 K to avoid side reactions. The method is optimized to achieve accurate results in a short time frame.

By downloading this application package, you will receive a PDF of the application note as well as the required data for the LabX™ titration software method.



Ketones and aldehydes are important in many industrial processes. The water content of ketones and aldehydes is important to maintaining the quality of final products in certain applications. 


Why Is It Complex to Determine the Water Content of Ketones and Aldehydes? 

Ketones and aldehydes undergo side reactions with KF reagents, leading to erroneous water content results.


Which KF Reagent Works for the Measurement in Aldehyde and Ketone?

We recommend using a KF reagent that is specific to aldehydes and ketones to minimize errors and side reactions during titration. Additionally, performing the titration at sub-ambient temperatures can further suppress side reactions and improve accuracy. We have developed a method using HYDRANAL™ Composite 5 K reagent and Compact line Karl Fischer titrator V30S that can accurately determine water content in acetone, formaldehyde, and benzaldehyde at both ambient and sub-ambient temperatures.


Karl Fischer Titration Guide Set
Water Content in Ketones and Aldehydes by Karl Fischer Titration
Water Content in Ketones and Aldehydes by Karl Fischer Titration
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