معرفة الكيفية

Formulation Solutions eBook

معرفة الكيفية

Ensure Consistent Quality with Every Batch

Depending on the complexity of your formulation and batch size, different formulation solutions are best suited for you.  Important factors, such as scale selection, safety, and calibration are taken into consideration with every solution offered.  Benefits of investing in the right solutions specifically designed for your type of process are:

  • Reduce rework and quality claims
  • Save time with improved process agility
  • Ensured safety everyday

Download the new Application Brochure and learn how to optimize workflows with solutions designed specifically for your formulation process.

From formulation processes that are manual stand alone to automatic batching, we have an array of solutions to reduce rework and quality claims all while optimizing workflows and ensuring safety.

The eBook covers the following workflows:

  • Stand-alone manual
  • Advanced manual
  • Dosing
  • Automatic batching

Watch the video for an overview, then download the eBook! 

An innovative formulation is the result of a extensive R&D process based on know-how and hard work in the lab. Only accurate, repeatable and error free formulation processes in production ensure achieving the desired properties and performance of your product and help to avoid customer complaints.  Depending on the complexity of your formulation and your batch size, different formulation solutions are best suited for your process workflow


We have an array of formulation solutions to improve your workflows.

Simple Formulation

A repeatable formulation process starts with accurate weighing. Simple paper-based operations can be enhanced with scale indicators that feature visual tolerance indication with weighing bars and color displays.  Documentation and traceability are achieved by attaching a printer to record actual material quantities.

Terminal-based Recipe Management

Scale terminals with integrated recipe management provide an additional level of process control in a compact package.  Raw materials, lot numbers, and operator messages can be stored for easy operator recall. Confirmation of process steps with a connected barcode reader ensures the production is both comfortable and secure.

Formulation Software Solutions

Whether production requires manual or automatic dispensing, or a combination of the two, centralized formulation systems can unite workplace flexibility with rigid process control.  Configurable software and operator friendly workstations can optimize the weighing process to eliminate errors, streamline utilization, and reduce material waste.  Incorporation of industry standards, such as S88, integration with ERP systems and validation support for regulatory environments ensure a complete and robust solution.

Check out how Form+ can streamline and improve your formulation workflow.

Guaranteed Consistent Product Quality

Form+ provides complete control over the recipe management and material dispensing process, which helps to ensure that each batch is made accurately and efficiently.  Operator errors and material waste are eliminated resulting in greater profitiablity and predicatable manufacturing.

Track and Trace for Every Industry

Every action in Form+ is automatically recorded, providing complete process transparency and automated batch evidence reporting.  Quality checks are enforced directly at the weighing stations and are electronically documented for full track and trace. 

Simple and User-friendly Operator Interfaces

Complicated manufacturing processes are broken down into simple and intuative operator guidance.  Each process step is displayed for the operator in simple and easy to understand screens.  Quality checks and automatic scale selection provide confidence that the operator can not make a mistake.  No need for complicated ERP or MES system training for users - get perfect batches from new operators in just minutes with Form+!

Scalable and Flexible Architecture

Form+ is designed with a fully scalable architecture using IT industry standard technologies.  All system data is stored in a central database

How can I avoid operator errors?

Operator errors in formulation can be avoided by investing in solutions specifically designed for this, such as; ICS scales, Form+, Formulaiton Software solutions, smart terminals, IND570fill, printers, bar code readers, and high precision scales.

How can I prevent errors from operators?

Operator errors can be avoided with formulation application for ICS689 scales.  It speeds up manual formulation processes. The software guides an operator through a recipe allowing traceable recipe weighing without costly network infrastructure.

How can I improve manual formulation?

Our formulation solutions are designed to optimize and control manual formulation processes. They offer clear operator guidance making your recipe-weighing and formulation process transparent, traceable and efficient.

How can I ensure quality in batching or dosing?

Selecting the right batch control system for your operations is an important task that not only will impact product quality and operational speed, but also the bottom line. This checklist outlines what needs to be considered so your batching is set up right from the start.

How can I ensure accuracy and quality with automatic blending?

Accuracy and quality in automatic batching can be ensured with IND780batch Advanced Terminal.  It has algorithms from the discrete I/O option to optimize automatic filling and batching processes.  It is programmable for tailored applications and multiple interfaces allow for simple data transfer to MES or ERP system.

How can automatic batching improve my formulation process?

Our automatic batching solutions are designed to optimize and control batch formulation processes with solutions such as Powermount.  The PowerMount™ system constantly monitors load cell performance and alerts the user prior to serious trouble. This keeps you in control of your process and avoids faulty batches and huge follow-up costs.

How can I ensure equipment in my formulation process is compliant with the latest safety standards?

Our solutions help you fulfill your safety standards without compromising on functionality.  Our hazardous guidelines are also easy to understand simplifying communication of relevant standards to all employees.  Our experienced, factory-trained service specialists make sure hazardous area weighing equipment is safely installed, inspected, maintained, calibrated and repaired.

How can I ensure my equipment is calibrated correctly?

Periodically scheduled scale calibrations in combination with frequent routine testing greatly enhances the life time of your scale's accuracy ensuring optimal operation of your formulation process.  Calibration determines industrial weighing equipment performance. With routine scale calibration and adjustment, compliance is made easier with our comprehensive and audit-proof certificates from MiraCal. Our calibration services help achieve compliance, cost savings and quality.