Determine the Color of Clear Solvents with UV Vis Spectroscopy

A Non-destructive and Quick Quality Check as per ASTM D1209

This application note provides a detailed method for determining the color of clear solvents using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

Why Is Color Determination of Clear Solvent Important?

Solvents are extensively used in various chemical industries. The quality of a solvent can be easily correlated by determining its color. The presence or absence of color is an indication of the degree of refinement of the solvent produced and its handling during transport. 


What Is ASTM D1209?

As per the ASTM norm, the color of clear solvents must be checked according to ASTM D1209. According to ASTM D1209, the trace amount of yellowness present in the solvent is quantified with the help of the Pt-Co scale. The appearance of trace amounts of yellowness is due to the degradation of the solvent on exposure to light, impurities, and the effect of processing. 


Determination of the Color of Clear Solvents

A simple spectrophotometric method where the solvent is scanned in the wavelength range of 360-830 nm using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometers can help determine the color of the clear solvents.

Download our free application note to learn more and benefit from our experience in determining the color of clear solvents.


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