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CONDverter™ App: Convert Concentration and Conductivities of Common Chemicals

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The must-have reference App for engineers and instrumentation professionals

CONDverter™ App: Convert Concentration and Conductivities of Common Chemicals
CONDverter™ App: Convert Concentration and Conductivities of Common Chemicals

The CONDverter App can convert concentration to conductivity instantly. Simply choose from a wide range of common chemicals and solutions, and find the corresponding conductivity for a given concentration or vice-versa. Included is a unit converter with all common units used for conductivity measurements. Also includes direct contact to analyzer specialists for further consultation on benefits of conductivity and available in-line measurement systems. CONDverter works on Android, iOS smartphones and PCs.


  • Extensive database of 80 commonly used chemicals
  • Instant conversion from given concentration to expected conductivity
  • Instant conversion from given conductivity to expected concentration
  • Indication of various concentration values for single conductivity value
  • Conversion ability between 18 common conductivity units
  • Integrated access to further information on applicable measurement systems
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