3 Ways Proactive Maintenance Protects Profitability

"Don't fix what is not broken" is still a common notion when it comes to equipment maintenance. However, a proactive approach to maintenance is not only less expensive in the long run, it also provides a number of additional advantages.

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Scale inspections
Scale inspections
3 Ways Proactive Maintenance Protects Profitability
Scale inspections

Reactive maintenance, or "run-to-failure", is the oldest approach in industrial production. It focuses on repairing breakdowns and resolving problems after they occur. A proactive maintenance approach, on the other hand, identifies and resolves underlying problems early to prevent equipment failure and keep your lines running.

The performance of weighing equipment can deteriorate over time, especially in harsh chemical production environments. Here are the 3 key reasons why a proactive maintenance approach will not only keep your weighing equipment operating to the best of its abilities but also significiantly reduce costs.

  • Prevent unplanned downtime
    Unplanned downtime is extremely costly: in addition to repairs and replacements, costs for production shortfalls, material waste and missed deadlines have to be factored in as well.
3 Ways Proactive Maintenance Protects Profitability
Scale inspections
  • Maintain measurement accuracy
    Inaccurate measurements can negatively impact product quality and safety (e.g. during formulation) as well as product giveaway and compliance (e.g. during filling).

  • Maximize equipment lifetime
    A reactive maintenance approach gradually takes a toll on the equipment and reduces its service life. Proactive maintenance ensures your equipment is always running at peak performance levels.

Our Health Check for bench, floor, tank and vehicle scales is a proactive way to prevent expensive emergency service calls. Qualified service technicians give your scale a thorough checkup, paying special attention to those components that tend to wear out or fail. You also receive a detailed written report on the scale’s condition and recommend any service that might be necessary.

3 Ways Proactive Maintenance Protects Profitability
Scale inspections

When you are weighing in potentially explosive environments, our Ex Inspection Services for intrinsically safe scales help to ensure process safety and regulatory compliance. METTLER TOLEDO offers visual and detailed inspections for intrinsically safe weighing equipment based on the international IEC60079-17 standard.

Improve maintenance efficiency, ensure process safety, comply with regulations and keep your weighing equipment operating to the best of its capabilities.