
eBook: 6 Tips to Increase Speed and


Maximize the potential of your Ready Meals Production

In ready-meals manufacturing, it's vital to deliver high-quality food while responding fast to customer demands.

This eBook explains the benefit of weighing throughout the manufacturing or assembly process and details the solutions that work best in each area based on production needs.

Download the eBook to see how to:

  • Increase checkweighing speed by up to 20%
  • Improve flexibility in ready-meals production
  • Fill faster with high precision
  • Optimize material usage
  • Automate your quality process
  • Ensure consumer safety
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Fill Fast – Waste Less

How can I increase checkweighing speed?


Steps can be taken to optimize a checkweighing process to benefit both the production line staff as well as the operation. By ensuring an ergonomically designed bench scale the checkweighing process is easier for an employee to execute. We have even seen daily throughput increases up to 20 percent once a station has been updated with the proper equipment.

How can I reduce overfilling costs?


When filling thousands of packages per day, overfilling even by a little in each can add up to a huge amount of product and profit loss. For this reason production facilities are always looking for ways to reduce overfilling to a minimum without risking under-filling. This can be a hard balance to find, but luckily with the right equipment it is possible. A proper statistical quality control system monitors your filling results to catch filling error trends faster. By catching any over or under filling early, you save time and money.

How can I reduce the risk of human error in ready meals production?


Whenever operating on a repetitive task, there is room for human error due to complacency. Especially in recipe weighing, human errors can have a significant impact on your production cost when full or partial batches are wasted. Optimizing your formulation station can help to remedy this. An ideal formulation station should include: an accurate and hygienic bench scale, formulation software including features that catch and offer corrections to overfilling.

How can I catch defective products?


Defective products leave consumers at risk, and ultimately lead to an expensive and brand damaging product recall. For these reasons, it is imperative that defective products never leave your facility. With vision inspection systems, you can maintain your production speed while inspecting every product. These camera-based systems can be configured to recognize deviations that don't meet your production standards.

How to speed up your process without losing accuracy?


With the proper equipment, it is possible to achieve increased production speed without sacrificing accuracy. METTLER TOLEDO provides a variety of weighing instruments and software solutions to help you meet your goals, including: accurate, hygienic and ergonomically designed bench scales to optimize your stations, user-friendly and intuitive formulation software, checkweighing solutions, vision inspection equipment, x-ray equipment, and more! Find your perfect solution today.