Global Presence

Worldwide Reach
With Local Field Support & Service

We serve global customers with one of the largest sales and service networks in our industry – over 5,000 sales and service specialists strong.

Our sales and service organizations around the globe ensure that we have trained, experienced, and dedicated specialists serving our customers.

Our manufacturing facilities are located in the USA, Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and the People's Republic of China. This keeps us close to our customers, not only from a logistical point of view, but also in terms of reacting quickly and adapting to local needs.

You can obtain our products and receive services from us in more than a hundred countries.

We serve global customers with one of the largest sales and service networks in our industry – over 5,000 sales and service specialists strong. Our sales and service organizations around the globe ensure that we have factory-trained, experienced, and dedicated specialists serving our customers.

Our manufacturing facilities are located in the USA, Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and the People's Republic of China. This keeps us close to our customers, not only from a logistical point of view, but also in terms of reacting quickly and adapting to local needs.

You can obtain our products and receive services from us in more than a hundred countries.
R&D and Manufacturing Center
Market Head Office
Sales & Service Office
Dealer & Partner

Choose your Country or Area - Worldwide Contacts

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Asia & Pacific

In these countries and areas we serve you with a local Sales & Service Office.

In these countries and areas we serve you with either a local Sales & Service Office or a Dealer & Partner.

Afghanistan ‐
American Samoa ‐
Australia ‐
Bangladesh ‐
Brunei Darussalam ‐
Cambodia ‐
China ‐
Federated States of Micronesia ‐
French Polynesia ‐
French Southern Territories ‐
Hong Kong, China ‐
India ‐
Indonesia ‐
Japan ‐
Kazakhstan ‐
Kyrgyzstan ‐
Lao People's Dem Rep ‐
Malaysia ‐
Maldives ‐
Mongolia ‐
Myanmar ‐
Nepal ‐
New Zealand ‐
Pakistan ‐
Papua New Guinea ‐
Philippines ‐
Singapore ‐
South Korea ‐
Sri Lanka ‐
Taiwan, China ‐
Tajikstan ‐
Thailand ‐
Turkmenistan ‐
Uzbekistan ‐
Vietnam ‐
Show all countries and areas in Asia & Pacific

In these countries and areas we serve you with a local Sales & Service Office.

In these countries and areas we serve you with either a local Sales & Service Office or a Dealer & Partner.

Albania ‐
Armenia ‐
Austria ‐
Azerbaijan ‐
Belarus ‐
Belgium ‐
Bosnia and Herzegovina ‐
Bulgaria ‐
Croatia ‐
Cyprus ‐
Czech Republic ‐
Denmark ‐
Estonia ‐
Finland ‐
France ‐
Georgia ‐
Germany ‐
Greece ‐
Greenland ‐
Hungary ‐
Iceland ‐
Ireland ‐
Italy ‐
Latvia ‐
Liechtenstein ‐
Lithuania ‐
Luxembourg ‐
Macedonia ‐
Malta ‐
Montenegro ‐
Netherlands ‐
Norway ‐
Poland ‐
Portugal ‐
Republic of Moldova ‐
Romania ‐
Serbia ‐
Slovak Republic ‐
Slovenia ‐
Spain ‐
Sweden ‐
Switzerland ‐
Turkey ‐
Ukraine ‐
United Kingdom ‐
Show all countries and areas in Europe

In these countries and areas we serve you with a local Sales & Service Office.

In these countries and areas we serve you with either a local Sales & Service Office or a Dealer & Partner.

Anguilla ‐
Antigua and Barbuda ‐
Argentina ‐
Aruba ‐
Bahamas ‐
Barbados ‐
Belize ‐
Bermuda ‐
Bolivia ‐
Brazil ‐
Canada ‐
Cayman Islands ‐
Chile ‐
Colombia ‐
Costa Rica ‐
Dom. Republic ‐
Dominica ‐
Ecuador ‐
El Salvador ‐
French Guiana ‐
Grenada ‐
Guadeloupe ‐
Guam ‐
Guatemala ‐
Guyana ‐
Haïti ‐
Honduras ‐
Jamaica ‐
Martinique ‐
Mayotte ‐
Mexico ‐
Montserrat ‐
Nicaragua ‐
Panama ‐
Paraguay ‐
Peru ‐
Puerto Rico ‐
Reunion ‐
Saint Kitts and Nevis ‐
Saint Lucia ‐
Saint Pierre and Miquelon ‐
Saint Vincent ‐
Suriname ‐
Trinidad ‐
United States ‐
Uruguay ‐
Venezuela ‐
Virgin Islands, U.S. ‐
Wallis and Futuna ‐
Show all countries and areas in Americas
Middle East & Africa

In these countries and areas we serve you with a local Sales & Service Office.

In these countries and areas we serve you with either a local Sales & Service Office or a Dealer & Partner.

Algeria ‐
Angola ‐
Bahrain ‐
Benin ‐
Botswana ‐
Burkina Faso ‐
Burundi ‐
Cameroon ‐
Cape Verde ‐
Central African Republic ‐
Chad ‐
Comoros ‐
Congo ‐
Congo - Zaire ‐
Djibouti ‐
Egypt ‐
Equatorial Guinea ‐
Eritrea ‐
Ethiopia ‐
Gabon ‐
Gambia ‐
Ghana ‐
Guinea ‐
Guinea-Bissau ‐
Iraq ‐
Israel ‐
Ivory Coast ‐
Jordan ‐
Kenya ‐
Kuwait ‐
Lebanon ‐
Lesotho ‐
Liberia ‐
Libya ‐
Madagascar ‐
Malawi ‐
Mali ‐
Mauritania ‐
Mauritius ‐
Morocco ‐
Mozambique ‐
Namibia ‐
Niger ‐
Nigeria ‐
Oman ‐
Qatar ‐
Rwanda ‐
Saint Helena ‐
Saudi Arabia ‐
Senegal ‐
Seychelles ‐
Sierra Leone ‐
South Africa ‐
Swaziland ‐
Tanzania ‐
Togo ‐
Tunisia ‐
U.A.E. ‐
Uganda ‐
Western Sahara ‐
Yemen ‐
Zambia ‐
Zimbabwe ‐
Show all countries and areas in Middle East & Africa
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