Nitrite Content in Water Using UV Vis Spectroscopy

Uncomplicated and Quick Check for the Safety of Drinking Water

This application note provides a method for determining the nitrite content in water using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.


Why Is It Essential to Estimate the Nitrite Content in Water?

Nitrite is one of the common pollutants in water bodies. Nitrite can react with hemoglobin in blood to produce methemoglobin, which restricts the transport of oxygen to the tissues. Therefore, a higher concentration of nitrite in drinking water could be dangerous.


How to Determine Nitrite Content?

This application note focuses on the determination of nitrite in water samples using a EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer. Diazonium salt of nitrite ions is reacted with N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride to form a red-violet azo dye. The intensity of this colored complex is determined at 525 nm to estimate the nitrite concentration.

Download our free application note to learn more and benefit from our experience in determining the nitrite in water.

