Identification of Aspartame (Ph. Eur. 2.2.25) - UV Vis Spectroscopy

Spectrophotometric Method of Aspartame Identification According to Pharmacopoeia

This spectroscopy application note specifies how the identification of aspartame can be performed using the UV7 Spectrophotometer from METTLER TOLEDO. For more information, please proceed to download the page below.

What is Aspartame used for?

Aspartame is used in pharmaceutical products, often as a sugar replacement in chewable tablets and sugar-free liquids. The substitution of sugar for aspartame is favoured by dieters due to its sweet taste and lower calorie content however it is avoided by others due to health scares and side effects brought to light by health organisations.

How is Aspartame identified spectrophotometrically?

Qualitative analysis of Aspartame  is performed by the verification of maxima at 4 fixed wavelengths in UV region between 200 nm to 300 nm. This application note follows the procedure defined by European Pharmacopoeia and contains the necessary equipment, method and results anaylses information for convenient implementation into your workflows.