Testing Lithium Hydroxide Using the DispenSix Liquid Handler

Automated Purity Determination of Lithium Ion Battery

This application note describes the fully automatic purity determination of lithium hydroxide samples using the DispenSixTM liquid handler.


Lithium hydroxide (LiOH) is one of the most common precursor materials for lithium ion batteries. Industrial downstream processes are used to purify lithium hydroxide, which is then used for the production of lithium ion batteries.

Reactivity of Lithium Hydroxide

Lithium hydroxide is a hygroscopic white powder. In the presence of atmospheric water and carbon dioxide, lithium carbonate is readily formed from lithium hydroxide.

Prevention of the Impurity

Lithium carbonate is considered an impurity and is obstructive for further production steps. To prevent the formation of lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide must be protected from moisture and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This is achieved by dispensing sample solution using a DispenSix liquid handler.

The sample bottle is attached to the DispenSix liquid handler, forming a closed system, in which the sample is protected from carbon dioxide. The DispenSix liquid handler automatically takes a precise aliquot of the sample for further determination on the titration stand.

Up to three sample bottles may be attached to the DispenSix. Each sample can be determined using its method, and several methods can be started simultaneously. Lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate can be determined by means of an acid-base titration in a single titration step using hydrochloric acid as the titrant.

Sampling via the DispenSix liquid handler provides reliable hermetic protection from the atmosphere to enable excellent accuracy.

This application note includes:

  •  An introduction to the method
  • Sample preparation and procedures
  • Solutions and chemicals
  • Chemistry
  • Instruments and accessories
  • The method in detail
  • Results and remarks

Method files (.lmt and .xml) are also included for direct import and implementation on the instrument.

Download our free application note and benefit from our experience determining lithium hydroxide purity using the DispenSix liquid handler.

Lithium Ion Batteries