Accurate Chemical Checkweighing Solutions

Ensuring high throughput in harsh production environments.

Today’s chemical processors and manufacturers are constantly pushed by tighter production tolerances and cost pressures. At the same time, they must ensure product consistency under tough production conditions. Dynamic checkweighing solutions for use in this industry must be robust, vibration-resistant, easy to clean and highly adaptable to individual customer requirements. Numerous software and mechanical features are available to raise Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and increase quality control, as well as save costs.



A&Z Pharmaceutical 使用 IM3100 自动检重秤保护其品牌和产品
20 多年来,A&Z Pharmaceutical 一直是业内知名的高级营养补充剂的开发商和生产商。 为了能够在更加自动化流水线中保护品牌的完整性,他们于 2016 年采用梅特勒托利多新型在线 IM3100 自动检重秤,更换掉了之前的离线检重秤。 这种双通道、滑槽送料式自动检重秤与众不同,帮助 A&...
Krewel Meuselbach GmbH
中型制药公司Krewel Meuselbach GmbH在德国的Eitorfsites制造高品质、价格合理的药品。多年来,此专业制药公司一直信赖梅特勒托利多解决方案。