
Poster: Iron Complex Formation Detection


Check the Formation of Iron Complex with EasyPlus UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

uvvis iron complex formation poster
uvvis iron complex formation poster

Unlock the secrets of complex formation reactions with our poster on chromophores! Discover how recording the absorption spectrum and identifying the characteristic maximum absorption wavelength (λmax) can confirm metal-ligand complex formation. Our poster is perfect for teaching staff, such as professors, lecturers, teaching assistants, principal investigators and lab assistants. Download it now and quickly prepare a UV Vis spectroscopy assignment for your students. 

Learn more about example applications including:

  • Tanin in tea
  • Iron in wine
  • Iron in hydrochloric acid
  • Iron in sulphuric acid



Detecting the formation of iron complexes in samples or products is crucial for ensuring health and safety. It is also useful for understanding chemical reactions, biological and environmental processes, and industrial applications. Accurate detection methods, such as recording the absorption spectrum and observing the wavelength with maximum absorption, are valuable tools for confirming the presence of iron complexes and obtaining critical information for a wide range of applications.