pH Toolbox for Life Sciences
From high throughput assays to micro-volumes, challenging chemistry or regulatory compliance, our pH Toolbox for Life Sciences supports you in selecting, calibrating and operating the right sensor and meter.
通往科学突破的道路能够考验您的毅力和技能。 在实验室进行分析测量时,即便是较小的不准确性或错误都会影响整个研究结果。
该新型生命科学工具箱在3个关键领域提供特定应用的技巧和诀窍:移液、分光光度计和pH测量。 提高测量结果的可靠性,避免重复实验。
pH and Conductivity, UV/VIS, Pipetting
From high throughput assays to micro-volumes, challenging chemistry or regulatory compliance, our pH Toolbox for Life Sciences supports you in selecting, calibrating and operating the right sensor and meter.
The use of pipettes to transfer liquids is a daily activity in most life science research labs. Therefore the impact on research results is equally substantial. Our Pipetting Toolbox for Life Sciences guides you through pipette & tip selection and calibration, as well as pipetting technique.