百时美施贵宝公司、斯克利普斯研究院和威斯康星大学研究人员介绍了两个较近发布的化学反应动力学研究示例。 这些示例强调如何将原位 FTIR 光谱与传统离线分析方法配合使用,以获得宝贵的洞察力、机理理解以及对所研究化学反应的模型验证。
Scientists must work with speed and accuracy to create commercially viable processes at multiple scales. Deliveries are made under stringent regulatory conditions. This is done with limited time and material available for detailed scientific investigations. This complex set of demands means scientists must find innovative methods to ask and answer the big questions. The references and resources below describe how scientists are approaching the this demanding challenge.
百时美施贵宝公司、斯克利普斯研究院和威斯康星大学研究人员介绍了两个较近发布的化学反应动力学研究示例。 这些示例强调如何将原位 FTIR 光谱与传统离线分析方法配合使用,以获得宝贵的洞察力、机理理解以及对所研究化学反应的模型验证。
This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use of in-situ ReactIR spectroscopy for the advancement of chemical development, providing a valuable resource for researchers, students, and anyone interested in this fascinating field of study.
实时的原位中红外光谱反应监测有助于更好地了解催化剂的活性和稳定性。 东京大学的研究人员将此专业知识用于新的串联氢甲酰化/氢化过程。
Reaction Insight Challenges