
Total Dissolved Solids in Coffee


Determination via Refractive Index

Total dissolved solids in coffee
Total dissolved solids in coffee

The amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) in coffee serves as a guide to determine your coffee’s strength and allows estimation on how extensively your coffee beans are extracted. TDS can be measured using a refractometer.

The METTLER TOLEDO refractometer portfolio is well-suited to measure TDS in any circumstance. From the hand-held pocket refractometer MyBrix, to the more precise and versatile EasyR40 to automatable high-end instrument Excellence R5, all METTLER TOLEDO instruments deliver reliable and trustworthy results.

This application note describes, how TDS is measured using refractometers, how the refractive index is converted to a TDS value, and how METTLER TOLEDO instruments perform when measuring TDS in coffee with real life samples.

Find out more information by downloading our application note.

