Determination of Water Content in Chocolate Chips

Method for the Water Determination with Internal Extraction (Homogenizer) in Chocolate Chips

Water content is the amount of water contained in any material e.g. water of crystallisation of Sodium tartrate dihydrate has stoichiometric water content of 15.66% which is in accordance to the practical value. 

Karl Fischer method is increasingly in demand for Water content determination of products, worldwide. It is  a reliable technique and is transparent and comparable.


CH3OH + SO2 + 3 RN + I2 + H2O →(RNH)•SO4CH3 + 2 (RNH)I

For the determination of water content in chocolate chips, Karl Fischer Titration with internal extraction with homogenizer is used. Chocolate chips are small chunks of sweetened chocolate. They are commercially available worldwide and used in a number of desserts.

The moisture can affect the shelf life of the chocolate chips. The amount of water should be controlled to a certain level as it might attract the microbial growth on it. The automated Karl Fisher titration gives the exact water content in the product and help in quality control of the products.

Chocolate chips  contain  high proportion of fats and are therefore not  easily soluable in organic solvents. Homogenizer are therefore used to dissolve them completely in an organic solvent/ KF reagent. This facilitates the internal extraction of water and reduces the use of excess of chloroform during the analysis.

The application describes the procedure for determination of water content using Karl Fischer in minute details and the measures to be taken. To know more download the application below.

Moisture and Water Content Analysis in Food
KF-Titrator for water determination in Chocolate Chips
KF-Titrator for water determination in Chocolate Chips

              V20S Volumetric KF-Titrator