Determine Sugar Content without Sample Preparation

Eliminate Two Steps and Save 5 Minutes per Sample with the Easy Bev Refractometer

Sugar content determination in soft drinks is a crucial step to maintaining a stable sweetness. This is typically performed via brix determination with a digital refractometer (also known as Brix meter). METTLER TOLEDO's Easy Bev Refractometer, is an innovative solution for the beverage industry, it allows sugar analysis of liquid samples directly from a bottle with high results repeatability. Furthermore, it does not require sample preparation, such as juice pulp filtration or degassing carbonated beverages. This saves you 5min per sample!


In this application note, you will learn about:

  • The comparison of results from sugar analysis of different beverages samples with and without sample preparation
     - Samples analyzed are: Cola, lemon & orange sodas, Indian tonic, juice and ice tea
  • The benefits of the Easy Bev Refractometer
  • The best cleaning agents to use and how the Easy Bev Refractometer skips a cleaning step

Sugar analysis in soft drinks has never been so easy!

Sugar in soft drinks
Sugar in soft drinks