Datasheet: Portable Refractometers Refracto 30PX and 30GS

Handheld Meters for Refractive Index, Brix and More

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Handheld Meters for Refractive Index, Brix and More

Refracto 30PX and 30GS
Refracto 30PX and 30GS

A portable refractometer has many advantages: you save time, you can make adjustments right away, and you don’t have to worry about transporting samples to the lab. This digital refractometer measures over a wide range of density and temperature, providing temperature compensated results. Our portable refractometers report the measured density in various units:

  • nD
  • BRIX
  • Baumé
  • HFCS
  • and many user defined units or concentrations

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