Refractometer / Brix Meter

Benchtop and Portable Digital Refractometers

A refractometer (or brix meter), is an analytical instrument that uses a high-resolution optical sensor to measure the total reflection of a light beam that is in contact with a sample. The total reflected light is calculated and the refractive index value is displayed on the instrument, which can be converted into brix, HFCS or other concentrations. Our refractometers are a synonym for accuracy, speed and simplicity. Choose from a robust portable solution to an accurate benchtop brix meter.

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Accuracy Brix
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Refractometer Excellence R5

Top instrument for a wide range of applications: The Excellence R5 refractometer offers fast refractive index measurements in the range from 1.32 to 1.58, with automatic temperature control from 5 to 75°C.

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Refractometer Excellence R4

The all-rounder for daily routines: The Excellence R4 refractometer offers fast refractive index measurements in the range from 1.32 to 1.70, with automatic temperature control from 0 to 100°C.

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Refractive Index Cell RX5

The RX5 Refractive Index Cell can be added to an Excellence Density meter to measure density and refractive index simultaneously. The RX5 measures the refractive index in the range from 1.32 to 1.58, with automatic temperature control from 5 to 75°C.

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Refractive Index Cell RX4

The RX4 Refractive Index Cell can be added to an Excellence Density meter to measure density and refractive index simultaneously. The RX4 measures the refractive index in the range from 1.32 to 1.70, with automatic temperature control from 0 to 100°C.

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Handheld Refractometer MyBrix

With a full Brix range and 10 integrated sugar-related scales, the MyBrix offers fast measurements of almost any food and beverage sample. A compact, robust, and weatherproof design makes this portable device ideal for field and on-site measurements.

Measuring cell materials
Glass and stainless steel
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Handheld Refractometer MyBrix 10pcs box

With a full Brix range and 10 integrated sugar-related scales, the MyBrix offers fast measurements of almost any food and beverage sample. A compact, robust, and weatherproof design makes this portable device ideal for field and on-site measurements.

Measuring cell materials
Glass and stainless steel
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What is a digital refractometer / brix meter?

A digital refractometer, also known as a brix meter, uses the total reflection method to measure the refractive index or related values of a liquid sample. This measurement is done digitally, reducing operator influence considerably. Accuracy of up to 0.00002 or 0.01% Brix can be reached, using a small sample volume (0.5 to 1 mL) and conducted in a short measuring time (a few seconds).

How does a digital refractometer / brix meter work?

Digital refractometers use a light-emitting diode, a sapphire prism and a high-resolution optical sensor. A sample is put on the prism and the measurement is started. From a certain angle of incidence – the so-called critical angle – the ray of light no longer penetrates the sample, but is fully reflected from its surface and is detected by the optical sensor. The refractive index is calculated from this critical angle. In addition, benchtop digital refractometers / brix meters use a built-in Peltier thermostat to control the temperature of a sample.

Learn more about the definition of refractive index, applications, how to measure it, Snell's Law and much more.

Which instruments are used to measure the refractive index of liquids?

The refractive index of a solution can be measured manually or digitally. Manual methods like a portable optical refractometer or an ABBE optical refractometer are widely used for the determination of refractive index and related values, e.g. BRIX°, alcohol %, Baumé, Plato, etc. Although these methods are easy to use and quite inexpensive, they require expertise in every step of the manual operation protocols, which often affects the accuracy and reliability of the results. Digital refractometers / brix meters are available as benchtop and handheld instruments. They measure liquid samples digitally, reducing operator influence considerably.

Compare digital refractometers with manual methods: View the different measuring techniques

How much sample volume do you need for a digital refractometer / brix meter?

For most bench-top refractometers the typical volume is around 0.5 mL for samples with high surface tension and 1mL for samples with low surface tension. As only a few drops are required, the temperatures of the sample and the measuring cell equalize fast and the analysis therefore takes only a short amount of time.

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