Moisture Analyzer

Moisture Analyzers

With Halogen Heating Technology for Fast, Precise and Reliable Results

A moisture analyzer is a device that determines the moisture content with the loss on drying method and consists of a weighing and halogen heating unit. It suits the needs of quality control and production in food, pharma, chemical and other industries. Benefit from: Accurate results through precise weighing and temperature control; Intuitive operation with step-by-step user guidance; Robust construction ensuring long instrument life, supported by our global service network.

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What is a moisture analyzer?

A moisture analyzer determines the moisture content of a sample with the loss on drying method and consists of a weighing and heating unit (infrared). It is often also called moisture balance or moisture meter.

Watch the video to learn more:

A moisture analyzer determines the moisture content of a sample with the loss on drying method and consists of a weighing and heating unit (infrared). It is often also called moisture balance or moisture meter.

How does a moisture analyzer work?

A moisture analyzer works according to the thermo-gravimetric principle, also often referred to as the 'Loss on Drying' (LOD) principle. The moisture analyzer consists of two components, a balance unit and a heating unit. In order to measure the moisture content the sample's start weight is recorded. Afterwards, a halogen lamp or other infrared radiator heats and dries the sample while the integrated balance continually records the sample weight. When the sample no longer loses weight the instrument shuts off and the moisture content is calculated. The total loss in weight is used to calculate the moisture content.

Our moisture analyzers meet the moisture determination needs of quality control, production and in-process control, offering:
• Accurate and reliable results, through precise temperature control with halogen heating and outstanding weighing technology
• Intuitive operation, with step-by-step user guidance to avoid errors in routine operation
• Consistent measurement performance, thanks to the instrument`s robust design and built-in tests, which are supported by our global service network.

What is the best moisture analyzer for my application?

Moisture Analyzers
How to choose moisture balance

Finding the right moisture analyzer for your application is not always easy. The best moisture analyzer is the one that fits to your specific requirements. Typically, requirements not only concern measurement performance but also other factors such as ease-of-use, data management capabilities, robustness (long instrument lifetime) and compliance features. METTLER TOLEDO offers a wide range of reliable instruments that cover basic, all-round and high-performance requirements.

What is the heating system of a moisture analyzer?

The heating source (halogen lamp, metal rod, ceramic, quartz lamp) and its regulation are defined as a heating system. All mentioned heating sources are infrared radiators. This means the sample is heated by absorption of infrared radiation.

What are the advantages of halogen heating?

The most important performance factor is precise and fast temperature regulation, which is best delivered by halogen lamps because of their low mass and therefore fast reaction time. This ensures repeatable results starting from the first measurement (some other heating sources either deliver different results in the first measurement or require a warm up measurement, which wastes time and resources). Furthermore, an even heat distribution on the sample surface is essential for repeatable and reliable results. We advise you to ask us or another manufacturer for a demonstration in order to experience the performance in real-life.

What is the best moisture analyzer for laboratory or production workers?

Typically, laboratory and production workers require an instrument that is intuitive to use and guides the operators through each process. This ensures that users are following the right procedures thus preventing handling errors. Graphical user guidance, method shortcuts, user management and the ability to select a specific language are helpful instrument functionalities. Watch the video below to learn more about Simple Operation:

Typically, laboratory and production workers require an instrument which is intuitive to use and guides operators through the process. This ensures that users are following the right procedures thus preventing handling errors. Graphical user guidance, method shortcuts, user management and many languages are helpful instrument functionalities. Watch the video to learn more about Simple Operation:

Which moisture analyzer is recommended for best repeatability?

We recommend the HX204 moisture analyzer. It contains a high-performance weighing cell with 0.001% moisture content readability separated from the heating source to ensure the best moisture results, even when measuring a substance with very low moisture content.

How does the moisture analyzer support me in being compliant to regulations such as USP, FDA, ASTM or 21 CFR Part 11?

Two topics are important with regards to compliance: data management and performance testing. Ensuring data integrity means that every result record needs to be attributable (who has done the measurement), legible (traceable, readable), contemporaneous (recorded at time of generation), original and accurate (correct, complete). Please keep in mind that an instrument is never compliant by itself but it can support the user in being compliant. The HX204 is the moisture analyzer for industries with the highest demands for compliance. It supports the user with safety and data integrity functions such as user management (prevents unwanted changes being made by offering unique user log-ins), tailor-made reporting (including non-modifiable PDF reports) and integrated performance testing of all relevant measuring systems (heating unit, balance, overall instrument test) at the point of use.

Can I automate the moisture analysis process or control my moisture analyzer remotely?

It is possible to control all METTLER TOLEDO moisture analyzers remotely, thanks to the comprehensive MT-SICS command set, which is provided as a standard. However, only the HX204 is suitable for automation due to its automatic lid. This allows you to fully automate moisture measurements, including the selection and initiation of different drying methods.

I'm looking to replace my old moisture analyzer – which model should I choose?

Replacing your existing moisture analyzer is an important decision. If you have an old  model of moisture analyzer model that we no longer manufacture, then to ensure at least the equivalent performance, we recommend that you consider one of the following moisture analyzers as a replacement to ensure optimal performance:

HR83, HR73 → HX204 

HG63, HG53 → HS153 

HB43-S, HB43, LP16 → HC103