Laboratory pH Sensor

Accurate pH Electrodes and Probes for a Wide Range of Laboratory and Field Applications

A laboratory pH sensor is used to determine the alkalinity or acidity of a sample both in the lab and in the field. METTLER TOLEDO offers reliable pH electrodes and probes that provide accurate readings for a wide range of applications in industries such as pharma, biotechnology, F&B, or chemical. We have a broad portfolio that includes built-in temperature probes and low-maintenance options, and our Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM®) enhances data security and makes handling easy.

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68 Results
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pH Sensor InLab® Routine

A glass-body, combination pH electrode with S7 screw head for general laboratory applications; fast and highly chemical resistant.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Sea WaterBrine
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pH Sensor InLab® Routine Pro

A glass-body, combination pH electrode with integrated temperature probe and MultiPinTM head. Designed for general laboratory applications; fast and highly chemical resistant.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Sea WaterBrine
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pH Sensor InLab® Routine Pro-ISM

A glass-body, combination pH electrode with integrated temperature sensor, MultiPinTM head and ISM. Designed for general laboratory applications; fast and highly chemical resistant.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Sea WaterBrine
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pH Sensor InLab® Routine Pt1000

A glass-body, combination pH with integrated Pt1000 temperature probe and MultiPinTM head. For general laboratory applications; fast and highly chemical resistant.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Sea WaterBrine
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pH Sensor InLab® Routine Go-ISM

A glass-body, combination pH electrode with integrated temperature probe, fixed cable and ISM. Designed for portable applications in the lab and outdoor; fast and highly chemical resistant.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Soft DrinksTRIS buffersBrine
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pH Sensor InLab® Max Pro-ISM

A glass-body, combination pH electrode with integrated temperature sensor, MultiPinTM head and ISM. Designed for general laboratory applications; highly reproducible and fast.

Minimum Sample Volume uL
20 mL
Typical Samples
Liquid Culture Media, Wine, TRIS buffers
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Can METTLER TOLEDO's laboratory pH sensors be used to measure the pH of aqueous solutions only?

pH is a property associated predominantly with aqueous solutions. Therefore, conventional sensors designed to measure pH in aqueous media fail to measure pH accurately in non-aqueous solutions. However, our specialized InLab® Sensors such as InLab Science Pro-ISM are designed for these types of specialized applications, making it possible to measure the pH of non-aqueous solutions, organic solvents, solids, and semi-solids with ease. Therefore, METTLER TOLEDO's pH meters and sensors can be used to measure the pH of a wide variety of samples.


What is the expected flow rate of a reference electrolyte from the lab pH sensor?

The expected outflow of a reference electrolyte is:

a. 1 mL per 24 hours for electrodes with a ceramic diaphragm (e.g. InLab® Routine)
b. 3 mL per 24 hours for electrodes with a sleeve diaphragm (e.g. InLab Science)

Electrodes with solid state electrolyte and an open junction (e.g. InLab Expert) have no outflow but only "exchange" ions via diffusion.


What are the advantages of the Argenthal reference system for laboratory pH sensors?

In order to prevent the stripping of Ag from Ag wire, the ARGENTHAL™ reference element was created. The specialized ARGENTHAL reference element consists of a small cartridge filled with AgCl particles that provide the silver ions for the chemical reaction at the lead-off wire. This cartridge contains enough AgCl to last the lifetime of the electrode.


What are ISM lab pH sensors?

In sensors with ISM® functionality, important information stored on a chip in the sensor is automatically detected by the meter for easier measurements and recordkeeping. These include:

  • Sensor name and serial number
  • The last five calibrations
  • Initial factory calibration data
  • The maximum temperature the electrode has been exposed to


These sensors are only compatible with SevenExcellence™, SevenCompact™, Seven2Go Pro™ and SevenGo Duo™ meters.


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