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ParticleTrack E25 tracks the rate and degree of change to particles, droplets, and particle structures as they naturally exist in process, without the need for offline sampling. Based on proven FBRM® technology, ParticleTrack E25 measures real-time changes in particle size and count. This enables faster optimization of product quality, formulation stability, and process performance whether measuring in beakers, pipelines, or vessels from laboratory to full-scale process environments. By inserting a probe into the sample or process, ParticleTrack E25 provides the ability to measure particles and droplets in situ eliminating measurement errors and variability caused by sampling and sample preparation required for offline measurements.
ParticleTrack E25 measures aqueous particle and droplet systems in the chemical, food, consumer products, biotechnology, and mining industries. Common applications include:
ParticleTrack G600 with FBRM technology is a rugged probe-based instrument that is inserted directly into large-scale vessels or pipelines to track changing particle size and count in real time at full process concentrations. Particles, particle structures and droplets are monitored continuously, as process parameters vary, allowing engineers to monitor, troubleshoot and improve processes effectively.
Particle size and count directly impact performance in multiphase processes including:
By monitoring particle size and count in real time, at full production scales, engineers can monitor process consistency and identify strategies to make significant process improvements.
Particles can change when sampled and prepared for offline analysis. By tracking changes to size and count, as particles naturally exist in process, engineers obtain process understanding at full production scales, safely and with no time delay – even at extremes of temperature and pressure.
By monitoring particles continuously, as operating conditions vary, it is possible to determine the root cause of poorly performing processes. Operators can identify process upsets quickly and engineers can utilize evidence obtained at full production scale to redesign challenging processes and make improvements.
A flexible mounting system allows probes to be installed in reactors or pipelines using standard flanges, dip pipes and ball valves across a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Optional purged enclosures rated to ATEX and Class I, Div 1 standards ensure instruments can be installed safely in hazardous locations.
Material Number(s) | 14000018 |