
Live Webinar: Uncover the Secrets of Temperature-Modulated DSC

Master These Useful Techniques and Discover the Unique TOPEM™ Methodology

Program oversigt

  • Why use temperature modulation?
  • Measurement approaches: IsoStep, ADSC, and TOPEM
  • TOPEM principles and measurement process
  • Method comparison
  • TOPEM applications
  • Interactive Q&A

Temperature-modulated DSC (TMDSC) techniques are widely used in both industry and research to separate overlapping temperature- or time-dependent thermal effects. Traditional methods typically overlay the isothermal temperature or heating ramp with a sinusoidal temperature modulation at a single, fixed frequency. This means the temperature oscillation occurs at a constant rate.

In contrast, METTLER TOLEDO's innovative TOPEM™ technique revolutionizes this approach by applying multiple frequencies. This advanced capability enhances the precision and depth of thermal analysis, providing researchers and industry professionals with valuable insights.

This webinar gives you a chance to learn more about the theory behind TMDSC, as well as explore some exciting TOPEM applications.

Three Different Temperature-Modulated DSC Techniques

METTLER TOLEDO offers three different TMDSC methods that are applied to the underlying heating rate:

IsoStep: A sequence of alternate isothermal and dynamic heating segments is applied.

ADSC: A small sinusoidal temperature modulation is applied.

TOPEM: A series of variable temperature pulses is applied. This advanced technique allows you to determine specific heat capacity and low energy transitions and to separate close-lying and overlapping effects.

During the webinar, we will compare the three techniques. We will also share real-life examples from industry that demonstrate the questions TOPEM can address.

We conclude with a live Q&A session, so get your questions ready!


Image of Teresa Dennenwaldt

Dr. Teresa Dennenwaldt

Dr. Teresa Dennenwaldt obtained her PhD in chemistry in 2013 and completed a postdoc at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland in the field of electron microscopy and spectroscopy. In 2018, she joined METTLER TOLEDO as an application specialist for Thermal Analysis. In her current position, she expertly uses, teaches, and supports DSC, TGA, TMA, and DMA instruments at the METTLER TOLEDO head office in Switzerland.