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Designed to fit comfortably in a single hand, the lightweight Densito portable density meter allows for one-handed operation in the lab or on-the-go. Results are temperature-compensated and can be delivered in specific gravity, Brix, API units, and other formats.
Obtain quick measurement results with accuracy to the third decimal place.
The built-in electric sampling pump fills and empties the measuring cell fully automatically at the press of a button. Sampling speed can be optimized according to the task you are performing.
The Densito portable density meter guides the operator through the entire measurement and cleaning cycles thanks to the built-in guided workflow option.
The sky is the limit: whether in the laboratory or the field, the Densito portable density meter works for a variety of industries.
Simply point and shoot to enter sample IDs using the built-in RFID and barcode reader.
The Densito portable density meter stores up to 1,100 results, including the sample ID, measurement unit, temperature correction coefficient, instrument ID, date, and time.
The brightly lit color display delivers excellent visibility both indoors and out. Easily spot bubbles or inconsistencies that may affect a measurement, thanks to the backlit measuring cell.
All you need to know about density, including the definition of density, density vs. specific gravity vs. true density, relative density, different types of instruments, factors that influence density, tips on good density measurement practice, and much more. Read more
Pycnometers are still widely used in labs. This video compares the measurement of a liquid with a pycnometer to the measurement of the same liquid with a digital handheld density meter, including the time required for each technique. Read more
A comparison datasheet that gives a description and shows the applications and advantages/disadvantages for the following instruments: pycnometer, hydrometer, handheld digital density meter, and benchtop density meter. Read more
Discover the versatility of our Density2Go handheld density meters with in-depth information, including usage videos, a rundown of the EasyDirect™ data management software, and a comprehensive list of accessories and consumables. Read more
Expert information to improve results, save time, and stay on top of norms and regulations — from short and useful tips to comprehensive guides and webinars. Read more
Our digital portable density meter is fast and accurate, with measurement results within seconds and an accuracy of 0.001 g/cm3. The built-in electric sampling pump allows controlled sampling and rinsing at the press of a button, avoiding user-dependent sampling workflows. Digitally supported workflows, including sample entry with a barcode or RFID reader, QC with automatic pass/fail information, and data export to a printer or PC software, reduce transcription errors and save time.
In addition to density and specific gravity, our digital portable density meter has built-in conversion tables for Ethanol (Alcohol), Brix, API, Baumé, H2SO4, Plato, Proof (US and IP), and user-defined concentration.
Our digital portable density meter offers built-in temperature compensation, which allows you to measure the sample at any temperature between -10°C and 50°C (14°F to 122°F) and calculate the density at the required temperature (e.g. 20°). The built-in conversion tables already include temperature compensation. For any other samples, a temperature compensation factor can be entered, or, if not known, it can be automatically determined with the measurement at two different temperatures.