Do you use pipettes in your daily work? Improve your data quality with Good Pipetting Practice™ (GPP™) – METTLER TOLEDO’s comprehensive, systematic approach to maximizing pipetting accuracy and repeatability.
Our free GPP webinar series covers many topics relevant to life science researchers or anyone using pipettes regularly.
What can you do to improve pipetting accuracy? Listen to our experts when they give their insights in how you can ensure correct tip immersion depth, learn how to maintain an optimized angle while pipetting, how to dispense in the best possible way, and decontamination techniques to ensure a safe and correct result. Take the opportunity to ask your pipetting-related questions directly to our experts who will be with us live from the studio in Stockholm.
Find out more about our full range of live webinars.
Lab Managers, Lab Technicians, System Owners, Plant Managers, Plant Shift, Leaders, Operation Managers, CEOs, Change Management Agents, Quality Assurance Managers, Quality Assurance Operators, Safety Managers, and OPEX, Lean or Six Sigma Managers.